Fayola Jacobs, PhD, is an assistant professor at the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. In this talk, she will discuss Black geographies and Black feminisms as potentially useful lenses for urban planning research on disasters and climate change. She asks, how can these lenses change the questions we ask in disaster research, and how can these changed questions help us arrive at more equitable and just environmental futures?
Jacobs completed her PhD in urban and regional sciences at Texas A&M University and earned her master’s degree in city and regional planning at UNC-Chapel Hill. Her graduate research focused on interrogating disaster mitigation plans and policies through a Black feminist lens. Before graduate school, she worked for a mental health agency, creating and facilitating anti-oppression workshops on migration, racism and mental health.
The intent of the Carolina Climate Equity Commons is to provide a collaborative working space to help UNC researchers better connect with people living in communities that face existential threats to human life and livelihood.